Gary L. Carroll

W/M Age 57, non smoker, non-drinker, non-drug user

Medical history prior to 2003
G I problems for several years. Once daily 30 Prevacid stopped reflux.

During entire year of 2003, I experienced many episodes of "flushing". Primarily after any meal of more that just a few bites. Two doctor visits produced no diagnosis.(Even though I told the second that I thought it might be carcinoid.) During this time all routine labs were normal.

An occult stool blood screen in Nov. 03 was positive. I am very fortunate to have family members in the medical community. My wife's niece, Ms. Kim Hardin, FNP referred me to Dr. Bruce Bullwinkle of New Albany, Ms. - internal surgeon. He scheduled a colonoscopy and a 5-HIAA urine analysis. I mentioned to him my thoughts regarding carcinoid. He performed the colonoscopy and located a tumor just up from the appendix in the cecum before the 5-HIAA test results came back. We scheduled surgery on 12/1/03. He performed a right hemicolectomy and also discovered lesions on the liver.

I was referred to Dr. Michael Jones, oncologist of Memphis, Tn., an associate of my niece, Kim Hardin. He immediately ordered an Octreoscan. It showed at least 3 masses on the liver. Dr. Jones immediately started the Sandostatin Lar 30. I took those injections all of 2004. Chromogranin A level stabilized until December 04. There was a slight rise in CgA and a routine Octreoscan showed additional masses. We scheduled an MRI. It indicated the following: (quoted from imaging report)
"Axial images were obtained through the liver and upper abdomen with T1 and T2 weighting, with and without gadolinium administration.
1. The patient does have several masses within the liver consistent with metastatic disease. The largest mass is along the anterior margin of the dome of the diaphragm and is difficult to measure but appears to measure about 50 X 35 MM in size. There is an additional lesion in the dome of the diaphragm but more posteriorly and laterally and this lesion measures about 22 x 22 MM in size. There is a lesion in the left lobe of the liver that measures 36 x 30 MM in size and a lesion in the inferior portion of the right lobe of the liver that measures about 25 MM in diameter. There are several other smaller lesions scattered throughout the liver predominately in the right lobe and I suspect at least one other lesion in the left lobe of the liver as well. These are in multiple vascular distributions and multiple segments of the liver.
2. The spleen, pancreas, kidneys and aorta are normal in appearance. The patient does not have any retroperitoneal adenopathy. The gallbladder also has a normal configuration.
3. The lower lung fields are unremarkable."

This imaging report was from Dr. Michael Currie of Tupelo, Ms.

Dr. Jones increased the octreotide level to 50 mg. I did have another Otreoscan performed on 3/3/05 which indicated stabilization.

Even though, I completely trusted Dr. Jones and Kim, this is where I started extensive research which led me to all the message boards and all the great discussions and communications with so many others dealing with this terrible disease.

After the research and a consultation with Dr. Eugene Woltering and Dr. Phillip Boudreaux of New Orleans, we scheduled open abdominal surgery on July 14, 2005 for the purpose of liver resection and RFA (Radio Frequency Ablation) of liver tumors.

The surgery was successfully performed by Dr. Boudreaux. He partially (wedge) resected 3masses on the right liver lobe. He also performed sono guided RFA on 7 tumors on the left liver lobe. He also removed gall bladder. All this was performed under recommended Carcinoid guidelines of octreotide and potential emergency crisis intervention mode.

Recovery was quick and complete. I returned to work in four weeks. Dr. Jones increased the octreotide to 60 mg/ month. Currently, all my blood tests are normal including CgA and 5-HIAA. My KI-67 was 3% which offers good prognosis. I have been blessed to have a year's worth of negative O'scans and ct scans.

Current activity status.
I currently work full time, volunteer for numerous civic and church projects. I have a small cattle farm. I am in the process of restoring and old Ford car. We try to make most of the grandkids' ball games. I have no GI problems and no side effects from the Sandostatin Lar 60.
All body functions including liver are normal.. In general, I am very active and feel great.

I keep up with as much of the message board activity as possible. I have several research updates that I receive regularly, and I study all I can about cancer research and any study that might apply to carcinoid. I am not obsessed with carcinoid; however, I try very hard to keep up with all the current research and I keep up with many of the folks I have met during this journey.

I am a committed Christian, Southern Baptist, and a Civitan in our town. The attached picture is me with my two favorite girls, Ashley and Tegan.

Gary Carroll Mississippi


CCTS Monthly Meetings from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Second Saturday of each month