Our Mission
Our mission is to educate Carcinoid patients, physicians and the general community with regard to Carcinoid Cancer and to offer a forum for positive and empathetic support.

The purpose of CCTS is to offer support and education and to increase awareness of Carcinoid Cancer and Carcinoid Cancer Survivorship within the general and medical communities.

A Brief History
The Dallas area Carcinoid Cancer Texas Survivors support group began life in August of 2002 when 35 people gathered in the Wilson family home in Plano. Our next meeting was held in the Irving family home in Denton. In February of 2003, as a result of a very successful advertising and networking 'campaign' by Carol-Anne Wilson and Harriet Kelley, and with the support of Nurse Jane Dempster of the Baylor Liver and Pancreas Center, and Janet Kirklen of the Baylor Cvetko/Sammons Center, the group met for the first time at Baylor. We very much appreciate the wonderful support we continue to receive from all the staff at the Cvetko Center. Over 60 people attended this meeting. Since then the group has met and continues to meet on the second Saturday of every month-in the Green Room, which is on the lower level of the Truett Building across from the cafeteria. Our numbers continue to grow and we welcome each and every new member to our Carcinoid Family with open arms. We place a lot of emphasis on education on all aspects of Carcinoid . . . we offer support and sharing of information which is invaluable as we travel on our Carcinoid journey. It is our sincere hope to continue to raise awareness of our rare and orphan disease throughout our community at large as well as throughout the medical community.

The logo for our group was designed by Carol-Anne Wilson in January of 2004. One of our expert physicians stated that when it comes to diagnosing Carcinoid, “. . . physicians hear hoofbeats, but rather than think of horses they should be thinking of Zebras.” Our logo reflects this and readily identifies Texas by the state’s outline and flag.


CCTS Monthly Meetings from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Second Saturday of each month